“LEASE VALUE CALCULATOR FORMULA = What they want you to know ÷ WHAT WE KNOW”
Verizon Cell Tower Lease Assistance

What is this Verizon cell tower lease proposal worth?
Do you have questions about a Verizon cell tower lease? Looking to renew your rooftop Verizon Wireless lease or have you been contacted sell your Verizon lease rental stream? Our firm, Tower Genius LLC has a long history of working with Verizon cell tower lease agreements, initially earlier in our careers working for Verizon Wireless developing their cell sites employed in-house, and then as real estate site acquisition project managers who negotiated leases on behalf of Verizon, where we secured rooftop cell site leases and Verizon cell tower land lease agreements. The Partners of our firm took the industry knowledge and experience we had when we worked on the carrier side of the business, handed back all of our work to Verizon Wireless and others, and started helping property owners and landlords exclusively.
We’ve assisted several hundred property owners who were approached to have new Verizon cell sites built or who needed information or assistance with an existing Verizon rooftop cell site or tower lease. You want to look closely at your proposals, as you might think you were offered a Verizon Wireless lease, but if you read the fine print it’s actually a Vertical Bridge lease where Verizon is the subtenant, and Vertical Bridge leases for land, and Vertical Bridge owned the cell phone tower. It’s not the same as having a Verizon lease on your roof or Verizon leasing land directly from you.

If you are a building owner or land owner who has been approached with a cell site or cell tower lease proposal from a representative of Verizon Wireless, or if you already have a Verizon cell site on your property and you need information, answers or guidance, please bookmark our website, call us at 1-888-313-9750 or fill out a Contact Form on this page.
Tower Genius: The Verizon Wireless Cell Tower Lease Experts on Your Side
Based on our long history with Verizon, there is a significant benefit of working with Tower Genius on any aspect of your Verizon lease, whether it’s a new cell site proposal, Verizon lease renewal on an existing Verizon site, a cell site upgrade, Verizon rent reduction proposal or if your are selling a Verizon cell site lease or perpetual easement. We have helped property owners with Verizon cell site lease agreements throughout the United States achieve favorable outcomes in virtually every imaginable telecommunication landlord scenario. Tap into Kevin and Steve’s 50+ years of combined experience dealing with Verizon Wireless cell sites.
Need Answers To Your Verizon Cell Tower Lease Questions?
- A Verizon Wireless representative just sent me a letter to lease a 100 foot X 100 foot area on my property for fifty years and offered me $500 per month. Seems kind of low. How should I respond?
- What’s my existing Verizon cell phone tower lease worth?
- How much is a fair rental price on a Verizon cell tower that is expiring?
- How much should I be charging Verizon Wireless when my rooftop cell site lease expires next year?
- Is the current amount of rent Verizon is paying fair? Or am I getting ripped off by Verizon?
- Verizon Wireless is trying to reduce my cell tower rent to make our cell tower location more valuable to Verizon’s network. Should I sign Verizon’s lease optimization amendment?
- Will Verizon terminate my cell tower lease agreement if I don’t agree to lease to them for a significantly lower rate?
- Verizon has a small cell antenna site on our building but now they are adding antennas, equipment and expanding but not really offering much additional compensation. Can you take a look at their proposal and help us?
These are normal questions we get regularly from property owners and Verizon cell site landlords. The Partners of Tower Genius, Kevin Donohue and Steve Kazella can answer all of these and more if you are in need of site specific information and guidance pertaining to a Verizon proposal.

How to Calculate Verizon Cell Tower Lease Rates?

Determining what the right Verizon cell tower lease rate should be is what many people contact us about on a regular basis. There is a lot of confusion because property owners often are told by people representing Verizon or cell tower management companies where Verizon is a subtenant, that they average Verizon lease rate is this amount or that amount. Here at Tower Genius, we have been evaluating Verizon cell sites since Verizon has been around as a company and we have helped hundreds of Verizon Wireless cell tower landlords determine and obtain accurate rental valuations for their locations. The question you should not be asking is “what’s the average Verizon cell tower lease rate for this area”? The real question is, what is the correct rental price Verizon should be paying at my property or rooftop. All cell site lease rates are calculated on a site-by-site basis. We determine what a Verizon cell site is worth based on location of the property or structure, the zoning requirements of the search ring and the given property, geography, topography, visual impact, availability of competing sites and demand for coverage. Tower Genius’ cell site valuations have proven true and accurate time and time again, every time Verizon signs a new cell tower lease agreement or amendment for one of our clients.
Kevin Donohue & StevE Kazella, Tower Genius LLC.

Need an Accurate Cell Tower Land Lease Review or Rooftop Cell Site Lease Review or Lease Audit?
If you, or your attorney need assistance with reviewing or negotiating a Verizon cell tower land lease agreement, option lease agreement or cell site lease renewal amendment, we can help. Earlier in our carriers the Partners of Tower Genius helped oversee the development of over 10,000 Verizon Wireless cell sites.
Most Verizon landlords who negotiated land leases had their leases assigned to a major tower management company. However many still have separate ground or land lease agreements where they receive rent payments from Verizon, or Verizon didn’t assign the cell tower lease and still owns the tower (American Tower’s managed Verizon Sequoia Portfolio). Also many Verizon rooftop landlords need information about rent reduction or “lease optimization” letters that Verizon subcontractors send them to lower the rooftop rent payments and modify the lease terms in favor of Verizon (not you!). If you, your attorney or your property manager have questions, we look forward to speaking with you about them.

Verizon Cell Tower Lease Buyouts – Need Help Selling Your Verizon Cell Site Rental Stream for a Lump Sum or Installment Payments?
Do you need help with a Verizon cell tower buyout offer or easement sale? Are you considering a 1031-exchange with the proceeds of the transaction? We get a lot of questions from Verizon cell site landlords about cell tower lease buyout offers and rooftop cell site buyout offers they receive, and what they should do when they’ve decide in selling their future Verizon cell site rent payments. There are advantages and there are disadvantages about selling a perpetual easement and this is true especially on a rooftop Verizon cell site. Selling a cell site easement on a rooftop can impact the value of the property when you go to sell it, and the easement needs to address important matters that are generally — but not always addressed properly in your Verizon Rooftop Communications Site Lease Agreement. This is why you or your attorney should always talk to an industry professional, namely our firm, before agreeing to a lease buyout. Selling your cell tower lease is much more complex than simply obtaining to highest purchase offer. It’s about getting the easement structured properly. Tower Genius has been offering Verizon cell site landlords guidance when it comes to cashing out of their rental streams since 2008. If you’re a Verizon landlord, you probably receive several letters and calls every year from third party telecommunications lease buyout companies or cell tower investors, lease buyout real estate hedge funds or cell tower brokers trying to purchase your future Verizon cell site lease payments. We can help you make sense of not all. Talk to us anytime at 888-313-9750 or contact us about selling your Verizon cell tower lease.
Why You Should Think Long and Hard About Your Verizon Cell Tower Lease Buyout Offer And Get A Second Opinion.
Our advice to Verizon cell site landlords has been very consistent over the years. We believe that Verizon cell towers are here to stay for a long time, especially in most suburban and in virtually all rural areas, no matter what Elon Musk’s satellite network does, and no matter what advances occur with 5G technology, etc..
We do believe however that if enough 5G (and eventually 6G) antenna nodes are deployed in densely populated urban areas, where the current Verizon Wireless network is deployed primarily on rooftops, the use of public Right of Ways for deploying $270 small cells will pose an enhanced risk to the high rent amounts being paid out to rooftop Verizon Wireless cell site landlords where mature cell sites exist.
Let’s Break it Down… This is Why We Think You Should Consider Selling Your Big NFL City Rooftop Verizon Lease NOW.
If you live in a big city, you might not like what we have to say about your rooftop Verizon lease agreement. We do not believe that giving Verizon a rent reduction will prevent the inevitable, only delay it. This is why we are telling Verizon rooftop cell site landlords to collect as much as you can for as long as you can without giving a rent reduction, or simply cash out and look into transacting a perpetual easement else buyout of your Verizon lease rental stream and talk to your CPA about using the funds in a like kind 1031-exchange.
Many of the older Verizon leases signed in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s in the big NFL cities like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Dallas, Washington DC and others, where Verizon Wireless is now paying in excess of $50,000 annually in cell tower rent will be at risk of becoming obsolete when a critical mass of 5G nodes are installed around these significantly more expensive cell site locations. The wireless industry, namely Verizon, has lobbied Washington DC for the right to only pay $270 annually in cell site rent on public Right of Ways (on wood poles, on street lights, traffic lights, etc.) for 5G small cell sites. Look at your building. Do you have wood poles from the phone company, or electric company outside? Is there a traffic light on the corner? Are there street lamps on the sidewalks? As long as there is fiber in the ground, these are structures where Verizon can place a 5G antenna node for $270 per year. These $270/ year ($22.50/month) Verizon 5G nodes are going to be in direct competition with the macrocell Verizon rooftop cell sites where Verizon is paying landlords rents of $4,000 and $5,000 and $6,000 per month and more. What if their Radio Frequency Engineer determines that 10 of these 5G small cells at $2,700 per month could easily replace your $4,500 per month Verizon macrocell site and save Verizon $21,600 in rent annually? We believe this is the biggest threat to Verizon cell site landlords in major urban markets with rooftop cell site income.
If you were Verizon Wireless and you could install 5G small cell antenna nodes for $270 per year vs. $50,000 per year, would you install more small cells? This is why we are sounding the alarm for landlords with a Verizon lease especially rooftop cell site landlords in major urban markets. In our opinion you should strongly consider selling your Verizon rooftop cell site lease and consider a Verizon lease buyout before the rest of the telecom rental stream purchase industry catches on and the window of opportunity closes on the current payouts landlords are seeing. If you have questions about a Verizon Wireless cell tower lease buyout offer you have received or you need a second opinion, please give us a call at Tower Genius at 1-888-313-9750.
Verizon Cell Tower Rent Reduction Letters
Verizon has jumped on the bandwagon of other major wireless carriers using third party rent reduction “lease optimization” companies like Blackdot Wireless and Md7 to lock you into a lower rent, or to lower your rent, lower your rent escalations and get you to sign over more rights to them under the possible threat of Verizon exercising their right to terminate your lease agreement if you don’t participate voluntarily. These letters can cause concern and stress if you do not understand them. If you have questions about these ” Verizon Wireless lease optimization ” letters please contact us immediately at 888-313-9750.
Ask Us Anything About Your Verizon Wireless Lease Agreement.
Literally ask Tower Genius anything pertaining to questions you have about your Verizon Wireless lease agreement or cell site proposal.
- Verizon Wireless cell tower lease rate analysis
- Help with Verizon cell site lease renewals – lease reviews and coach you through your negotiation
- Assistance with expiring Verizon cell phone tower lease agreements – rent valuation consultations
- Verizon cell tower lease buyout offer review and strategy
- Questions about Verizon cell site lease perpetual easement valuations on rooftop sites vs. cell tower sites
- Verizon cell tower 1031-exchange lease buyout questions