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FREE Guide: Too many cell tower landlords learn the hard way, how to properly negotiate  a wireless telecom lease agreement.


Ebook Cover for Tower Genius Cell Tower Lease Guide

Tower Genius Gives Examples of Common Mistakes Cell Site Landlords Make When Negotiating Their Deals And How YOU Can Avoid Them.

DO YOU THINK  that wireless carriers like T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, AT&T, US Cellular or DISH Wireless or the Mega-Tower Management Companies like American Tower, Crown Castle or SBA Communications are going to tell you the ins and outs of winning at the cell tower negotiation table?    Avoiding just one of these critical “pitfalls” could make the difference in getting a good cell tower lease, or a great cell tower lease, but ignoring any of them could impact you for decades.

Enter in your name and email in the form to the right to download this free guide.

This guide walks you through basic things you need to do and pay attention to, and is probably why the wireless industry HATES OUR LITTLE CELL TOWER LEASE CONSULTING COMPANY.  

Download the guide today >>>>>>>>>

– Tower Genius LLC

Ebook Cover for Tower Genius Cell Tower Lease Guide
TOWER GENIUS E-BOOK Avoid Common Landlord Mistakes – when negotiating a cell tower lease.

 “The only thing uglier than an ugly cell tower, is an ugly cell tower lease agreement.”  — Steve Kazella

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