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Rooftop Cell Site with snowcapped mountains in background

Need Cell Tower Lease Information?Frequently Asked Cell Tower Lease Questions and Answers.

Maybe you have a few questions about cell tower leases. That’s okay; most people do, and most normal people don’t know anything about cell towers. Here is a quick collection of some of the questions people frequently ask us, along with our answers. If you still have questions after reading this page and watching some of our videos, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime and bookmark our blog page to keep up with the newest cell tower related content on our site.

How Are Cell Tower Leases Calculated?

How do I calculate the value of a cell tower lease? Glad you asked. Tower Genius Partner Steve Kazella has uploaded a few YouTube videos about the topic of how cell tower lease valuations happen, and how we calculate cell phone tower rents when helping a client. Let us know if you need help with a cell tower lease offer. Don’t waste your time with silly cell tower lease calculators. Give Steve or Kevin from Tower Genius a call at 1-888-313-9750.

Cell Tower Rental Rates & How To "REALLY" Calculate Them!
Steve Kazella with a lovely lattice tower in the background in Fort Walton Beach, FL.

Cell Tower Rent Calculation Whiteboard Video about the same topic with a bit more detail…

Hopefully, you all can read Steve’s terrible handwriting on the Tower Genius whiteboard. It’s not surprising why the nuns who taught him in grade school rarely allowed Stephen to draw on the chalkboard. Remember to like our videos and subscribe to the Tower Genius You Tube page. How do I know what a cell tower rent price should be? What’s my cell tower worth? How much rent should you be charging Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, AT&T, US Cellular, DISH Wireless, Vertical Bridge, American Tower, Crown Castle or SBA Communications? Why is there such a big difference in cell tower rent rates? Does a cell tower company charge by the square foot or by the number of antennas? How long should the lease run for? Will they take down the tower if they leave? What happens if I ask for too much money? What if we ask for too little money?

How We Determine Cell Tower Rent Values - Explained
We have 2 big whiteboards at Tower Genius. This one is the old one, used just a few times.

How Do I Negotiate A Cell Tower Lease? Tower Genius Answers the $64,000 / year question in a 3-part video series, How to Negotiate a Cell Tower Lease. Please like and subscribe.

PART-1. Read some additional useful tips here if needed.

How to Negotiate a Cell Tower Lease - Part One
How to negotiate a cell tower lease agreement PART 1, explained by Steve from Tower Genius.


How To Negotiate a Cell Tower Lease - Part 2
How to negotiate a cell phone tower agreement, PART 2, by Steve from Tower Genius.

How to negotiate a cell tower lease LIKE A BOSS — PART-3. Please like and Subscribe!!

How to Negotiate a Cell Tower Lease  - Part 3
How to negotiate my cell tower offer, PART 3.

Cell tower lease buyout valuations. What do I have to do if I am selling a cell tower lease easement, or how do I know what my cell tower is worth, my real estate agent and attorney have no idea?

We get calls regularly from real estate agents, real estate appraisers, attorneys, property management companies, and real estate investors and others who have no idea how to determine the values of cell towers or rooftop cell site leases that are being sold. What is a cell tower lease buyout worth and how do you calculate it? If you need assistance with a cell tower lease sale, we add tons of value to your cell site lease buyout or cell tower perpetual easement negotiation. Give Tower Genius a call at 1-888-313-9750.

Cell Tower Lease Buyout - Before You Sell Your Cell Site Easements For a Cash Lump Sum
Tower Genius Partner Kevin Donohue, our in-house cell tower lease buyout expert discusses cell site easement consulting services that we provide cell site landlords.

How will technology advances like 5G and Small Cells possibly impact the future of cell towers and rooftop cell sites, and will it cause cell towers to become obsolete?

Will cell towers go away? You might want to watch this twice. Tower Genius has been way ahead of the curve on this one. The content of this video may be disturbing to cell site landlords, viewer discretion is advised.

Tower Genius Partner Kevin Donohue, our resident cell tower lease buyout expert, and Shakespeare scholar, discusses future technology changes that we believe will significantly impact certain kinds of cell site landlords. To speak with Kevin call 1-888-313-9750.

Get in touch with Tower Genius if you have additional cell site questions.

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Learn The Pros and Cons Of Selling Your Rooftop Cell Site Lease Rental Stream or Cell Tower – Your FREE Guide: 

TOWER GENIUS E-BOOK Avoid Common Landlord Mistakes – when negotiating a cell tower lease.

Download our FREE Cell Tower Landlord Guide here and contact us anytime with questions or if you would like a no-hassle Lease Buyout evaluation. Learn more about how we help American cell tower lease landlords sell their telecommunications lease rental stream for large cash lump sum or installment payments,

Get your FREE Cell Tower Landlords and Lease Buyout Guide and then give us a call at 1-(888) 313-9750. We would love to discuss what your cell tower lease is worth and discuss the pros and cons of keeping or selling your particular Cell Tower or Rooftop Cell Site Lease Rent Payments with our Cell Site Lease Buyout Valuation Consultation.

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1-(888) 313-9750