What’s the Best Time to Negotiate a Cell Tower Lease Renewal?

What’s the best time of the year to get a deal done with the tower companies and renegotiate or finalize a lease renewal deal with American Tower, Crown Castle or SBA Communications? Glad you asked. Mid September thru Thanksgiving is what we at Tower Genius call “cell tower lease renewal – a – thon” and cell tower leasing season starts two weeks after Labor Day and runs all the way until Thanksgiving.
What? Why does it not start on the “week after Labor Day?”
In 2024, Labor Day falls on Monday, September 2nd. Historically speaking, nothing actually happens in the wireless industry from Tuesday, September 3rd thru Friday, September 6th. Everybody’s brain is still on vacation. Most decision makers who matter, are not in the office and they do not answer phone calls or emails. The are monitoring the slow cooker, smoker, or getting in their last beach time in before the year-end insanity starts.
While most mid-level paper pushing cell tower real estate managers are “back at work” at their desks on the second week after Labor Day, 90% of them are merely staring at their computer screens, not really doing any work, perhaps watching some of Tower Genius’ YouTube videos, looking at social media, or playing Wordle, you can be talking to Tower Genius about having us take a look at your cell site and your cell tower lease agreement and come up with a plan for successfully renewing or selling (if that’s your thing) your cell tower lease.
Then on the 2nd Monday after Labor Day, which falls on Monday, September 16th this year, the real estate managers at Crown, American Tower and SBA suddenly wake up from their slumber, and realize that it is 2 weeks from the end of the third quarter, and they need to get their deals wrapped up before the end of the year if they want to hit their sales quotas, keep their jobs, and get their year-end bonuses. And that is the reality of the cell tower leasing industry. It is a sales organization just like any other. You can take advantage of this if you are a cell tower landlord who has been trying to work out terms with any of the big cell tower companies.
Yes, Tower Genius can help you if you are dealing with American Tower, Crown Castle, SBA Communications, Vertical Bridge or their vendors like Md7, Blackdot, Lyle Company or Tower Alliance and you are getting nowhere with your cell tower lease renewal or if you are considering a cell tower lease buyout offer from any of these companies.
Why choose Tower Genius if you need help with a cell tower lease renewal?
- Tower Genius is here to help cell tower landlords and their attorneys.
- Our fees are affordable.
- We are not going to take a portion of your cell tower lease equity for decades like other “consultants”.
- We are not looking to be your partner on your cell tower lease.
- We do not have any conflicts of interest.
- We are not looking to buy your cell tower lease.
Do you need any assistance renewing your cell tower lease or do you have questions about a cell tower lease buyout proposal that you have received in addition to a lease extension offer from SBA, Crown Castle or American Tower? We would love to talk to you about it. You can reach us at 1-888-313-9750. Have a safe and relaxing Labor Day!