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Should You Let Sprint Leave Their Equipment on Your Roof?

Should You Let Sprint Leave Their Equipment on Your Roof?
Steve Kazella, Tower Genius LLC.

Sprint Rooftop cell site landlords. If you’ve been offered a payment by a Sprint representative to leave the cell site equipment on the roof, do not take the money. Nobody needs that equipment.

DISH Wireless does not need the equipment.

Verizon Wireless doesn’t need the equipment.

AT&T doesn’t need the equipment.

US Cellular doesn’t need the equipment.

he cost to decommission that cellular site is going to be more than the amount of money that they’re willing to pay you. Some municipalities and cities actually will require those cell sites to be decommissioned after a year if they’re not in use, and you don’t want to be stuck holding the bag on that one, believe me.

Nobody needs their equipment. Have it removed by a Sprint or T-Mobile representative or their subcontractors and, if you want, you can leave the dunnage (platform) there. The platform might have a future use for something but nobody needs Sprint’s equipment and don’t take the money.
Sprint rooftop cell site equipment
Nobody Needs Sprint’s Rooftop Cell Site Equipment. Don’t take they money.

I was recruited out of Enterprise Rent a Car in 2000 by Kevin Donohue, who is my business partner today, to be a real estate site acquisition manager in the NYC Metropolitan Area for his company that was contracting for Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile and Sprint. In 2008, I founded a consulting firm know today as Tower Genius, LLC where Kevin and I have helped many thousands of people and existing cell tower landlords get the help and information they need to succeed at the cell tower negotiating table.

Carriers & Tower Companies Have Their Hired Guns. Shouldn't You?

Negotiating a cell tower lease, trying to figure out what the correct cell tower rent value for your property needs to be, or evaluating the broad range of proposals and offers received by most cell site landlords in 2022 can be very confusing. Connect with Tower Genius or submit your info below, and we'll evaluate your situation, answer your questions and even make a few recommendations you may benefit from.

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