Hi, it’s Steve with Tower Genius. So, you’re wondering how do I negotiate a cell tower lease buyout? How do I sell the cell tower lease rental stream for a lump sum payment in exchange for a perpetual easement on my rooftop, on the cell site, or the cell tower ground lease on our land? Well, the short answer is how do you negotiate one of these things, you really shouldn’t. You should allow an expert to take a look at the proposals, to take a look at the purchase and sale agreements, take a look at those easements that are being proposed because it is not just the price, it’s the terms. And we had a church pastor call us about six years ago in tears on the telephone. I’ll never forget it. He was crying on the phone because they had sold the rental stream and they screwed up the tax language and a couple of other things. And it was a huge liability now for the church and they couldn’t get out of it and they didn’t get the right guidance.
If you are selling a cell tower lease rental stream, I’d encourage you to reach out to Tower Genius because we are subject matter experts. We’ve seen thousands of these things, and we are familiar with what is being proposed. We know who the players are. We also know the types of offers that are out there. We understand that the buyers of these easements, these cash flows are not going to disclose the source of these funds. And a lot of times you can think you are bidding this out to a bunch of people, and it’s the same money source. We had an example of a cell tower landlord and on the advice of her attorney recently, she had reached and had a 30-minute consultation with my business partner, Kevin Donohue here at Tower Genius, which the result was she ended up selling her cell tower lease rental stream for an additional 35% and that was a seven-figure offer. So, if you have a question about a cell tower lease buyout, give us a call at (888) 313-9750.